Guitar Books: Overview
PDF eBooks for Guitar

Guitar Chord Charts

Guitar Scales


Open G Tuning
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PDF eBook „Guitar Chord Charts”

This book offers you over 640 open and shifting chords for all styles of music. For each fingering you will find the fingerings and the intervals for the respective chord.
A comprehensive chord collection for reference and inspiration.
Here you can find more information about the guitar book:
PDF eBook „Guitar Scales”

Here you will find 23 different scales, each for all 12 root notes on the guitar. For each scale, the notes, intervals and the positions of the root notes are shown.
Here you can find more information about the guitar book:
PDF eBook „Rhythm-Training Guitar”

This eBook is a practice book for rhythm on the guitar, but can also be used as an idea book. It offers 140 different strumming patterns from easy to advanced and is therefore suitable for beginners and advanced players. In addition, there are simple chord progressions with easy to change fingerings for practice.
Here you can find more information about the guitar book:
PDF eBook "Open G Tuning"

Open G tuning is an open tuning where the guitar is tuned to a G major chord. Open G is not only popular with blues players, among others because of the easy slide playing, but is also used in many other styles of music.
There are many playing techniques and sounds that you can't play in this way in standard tuning. So many things sound refreshingly different and you get out of your ingrained playing patterns.
In my guitar book "Open G Tuning" I show you open chords, chords without empty strings, scales, positions of notes and intervals and much more in the open G tuning.
Here you can find more information about the guitar book: