About 12times12
Who is behind 12times12.com
All contents on this website are created, designed and technically implemented by Marco Helmstedt.

My name is Marco Helmstedt, I live in Cologne (Germany) and play guitar for over 36 years in different formations and different styles like blues, rock, jazz etc. with a lot of improvisations. I play mainly steelstring acoustic and electric guitar and since many years also ukulele. I was always interested in understanding the guitar system and using this knowledge for my own songs and especially improvisations. It's fascinating to keep discovering new ways of how and what you can play on this instrument.
I work as a guitar and ukulele teacher, offer workshops for guitar and ukulele and write instructional books for guitar and ukulele.
If you would like to give me feedback on my offer, just write me an email at:
What does 12times12 mean?
The naming is somewhat profoundly related to harmony theory.
On the guitar you can play 12 different tones. Each of these tones can have 12 different functions as an interval.
So a note can be root or fifth, third, seventh, etc. of another root. 12 tones, 12 intervals, so 12x12 (12x12=144 functions).